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Rosie the Riveter Hand Edit
Hey guys,
For this Rosie the Riveter tutorial, I will be doing a dramatic type of edit. I wanted it to look like the original poster with a caricature and dramatic feel by using some liquify and dodge and burn. To give it a cartoonish feel, there will be a lot of adjustments and changes to the image.
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I had done a similar edit before but I decided to re-do it now that the model is a little older.
This is one of the more tedious tutorials due to all the adjustments being made to the image and they are going to be done in little steps to build everything up.
When photographing the subject, I didn't realize that she was facing the opposite direction so I started the tutorial by flipping the image. I did some frequency separation in order to blur and smooth out the skin. I wanted to keep the texture but blend it with all of the tones and highlights. I do show in the tutorial exactly how I did it. If you’re interested in learning how you can sign up for my premium membership. The membership includes over 500 of tutorials and many of them show frequency separation actions.
The skin and beauty edits were very specific for this edit. I took some time with the eyebrows because I wanted them arched like the original Rosie the Riveter.
I ran one of the sharpening actions over some of the facial features. Download my free Photoshop sharpening actions!
To play off the original Rosie the Riveter, I decided to go with a yellow background. I did add some textures to the edit.
I finished the tutorial by adding some dodge and burn to make the edit pop a little more. I raised the clarity and darkened the edges a little. I used the warp tool to give her a little bit of muscle. In the previous Rosie the Riveter edit I made I really gave her some muscles and it was a lot of fun! The final touch was adding the eyelashes.
To watch the tutorial, you can sign up for my premium membership and enjoy dozens of other tutorials!
Happy Editing!
Tara Lesher