When Words Fade, Music Speaks - A Compositing Tutorial
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When Words Fade, Music Speaks - A Compositing Tutorial

Hey everyone!

This composite was very simple. I just added in and made some hand edits. I wanted to transform this image. The lighting was not exactly what I wanted it to be, making the image dull.

In the tutorial, I focused on evening out the skin tone. When running the blur tool around the skin, you want to avoid areas like the eyes, the lips, and the hair. If you're going to see exactly how I made the edits, you can sign up for the premium membership to view the full tutorial.

After making beauty edits, I concentrated on the overall image and edited some of the colors on the image. Next, I added a little bird to the piano. When you’re adding animals to any composite, you want to make sure to make it proportionate to the actual size of the animal to make it look like it belongs. For this tutorial, I guessed the size of the bird until I saw if it was proportioned. Then, to make the bird look realistic, I used the masking tool to blend it into the image and added a shadow.


While editing your images, you always want to save your work as a PSD. When you keep your work as a PSD file, you can save all the layers you’ve created.

Once I had all my objects placed in the image, I moved on to editing the background. I added one of my light rays; you can find them in the store. When editing the background, it’s essential to keep in mind everything in it. If you add a filter, it can alter the color and tone of some of the other objects in the background. After adjusting some of the colors, I had to go back in and edit the grass. If you want to see how I could make these adjustments, you can view the full tutorial by signing up for the premium membership.

This was a fun and pretty simple tutorial. First, I made a few hand adjustments and added the little bird. On the subject, I added a shadow and a little bit of a curves adjustment on him.


If you want to recreate this tutorial, sign up for the premium membership for instant access to this one and dozens more!


Happy editing!

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