Bear Necessities: Photoshop Tutorial and Resources

RUN TIME 1.5-hour Compositing Tutorial and all stock included.

LEVEL Beginner to Advanced



Learn how to create a fantasy composite image from start to finish! 

Customize your background, add a painterly texture with filters, and even hand-paint added elements! 

You'll also learn how to color-match stock images, create water and reflections, and extract stock using several tools and methods. 

Plus, you'll discover how to use perspective and warp tools, add shadows and highlights to your stock pieces, and utilize layer styles for special effects. 

Mask and scale stock images using smart filters, group and merge layers and objects, and dodge highlights using the colors in your existing image. 

Finally, artistically blend lighting, shadows, and color tones for a cohesive final image that will leave your followers in awe!

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  • One-time payment. 
  • Payment will be automatically deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account, and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.

What Happens Next?

After you enter your payment details, you'll be taken to a thank you page with further instructions.

PS. Have fun, experiment, and share your art with the world!

 © 2022 TARA LESHER 

One Time Purchase of Only $39